{ "pageType": "product", "title": "Microesferas Embozene (Países com Marcação CE)", "videoId": "", "imageId": "https://varian.widen.net/content/okopvsddqy/webp" }
  • 1

    Ampla gama de tamanhos oferecidos em seringas de 1 e 2 ml

    De 40 μm a 1300 μm

  • 2

    Vendidas em unidades de seringa única

    Codificadas por cores para melhorar a visualização e ajudar no reconhecimento de tamanhos.

  • 3

    Validade de três anos

    A partir da data de fabrico

CE Mark Countries

This information is for health care professionals in EUROPE except those practicing in France as the following pages are intended for all International health care professionals and are not in compliance with the French Advertising law N°2011-2012 dated 29th December 2011 article 34. Other health care professionals should contact Varian at vis.support@varian.com.

Please note that this information is exclusively reserved for health care professionals in countries with applicable health authority product registrations. To the extent this site contains information, reference guides, and databases intended for use by licensed medical professionals, such materials are not intended to offer professional medical advice. Prior to use, please consult device labeling for prescriptive information and operating instructions.


Precise Calibration

Offered in a broad range of carefully calibrated sizes

95% of microspheres fall within the stated variance


Procedural Control

Individually colored to enhance visualization and aid in size recognition

Large array of distinctly-sized microspheres

Sold in single syringe units


Indicated for the embolization of:

Arteriovenous malformations (A.V.M.)

Hypervascular tumors (H.V.T.), including uterine fibroids and hepatoma

Embolization of prostatic arteries (PAE) for symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)


How to order

Here's how to do business with Varian Interventional Oncology Solutions.

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Contacte a equipa de assistência ao cliente da Oncologia de Intervenção da Varian

+1 877-467-2009 ou vis.support@varian.com.

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