瓦里安任命陶克瑞为全球总裁兼首席运营官 | Varian

{ "pageType": "news-article", "title": "瓦里安任命陶克瑞为全球总裁兼首席运营官", "articleDate": "2020年 9月 14日", "introText": "", "category": "" }


2020年9月14日,加州帕洛阿尔托——瓦里安 (NYSE: VAR) 宣布了以下管理层任命,将于2020年10月5日生效:

  • 新设全球总裁和首席运营官的职位,将由现任瓦里安肿瘤系统总裁陶克瑞 (Chris Toth) 担任;
  • 全球运营资深副总裁Kevin O'Reilly,将接替陶克瑞担任瓦里安肿瘤系统总裁;
  • 营收运营副总裁 Stephanie Foster,将被任命为负责全球供应链运营业务的资深副总裁。

作为瓦里安医疗总裁和首席运营官,陶克瑞将负责瓦里安的商业运营,包括公司2021财年目标和战略计划的执行。陶克瑞将继续向瓦里安首席执行官魏思韬 (Dow Wilson) 汇报。O'Reilly将专注于执行瓦里安在肿瘤系统的成功战略,而Foster将领导公司肿瘤系统供应链的各个方面。






Kevin O ' Reilly简介

Kevin O'Reilly拥有超过30年经验跨行业、跨地区的管理经验。他目前担任瓦里安全球运营的高级副总裁,负责瓦里安肿瘤系统公司的全球供应链、营收和客户支持,管理30亿美元的营收和全球2000多名员工。在此之前,他担任瓦里安亚太区总裁,使瓦里安的净推荐值(NPS)增加了两倍,营收和订单的增长速度皆高于市场。在2009年加入瓦里安之前,他曾在RPO, Inc.和Photon Dynamics公司担任管理层职务。

Stephanie Foster简介

Stephanie Foster在高度复杂、监管严格行业的供应链、运营和制造领域,拥有超过30年的经验。她目前担任营收运营副总裁,负责管理合同、销售和运营规划、物流、安装服务以及环境健康和安全。在2019年加入瓦里安之前,她曾担任霍尼韦尔供应链副总裁,负责管理营收约40亿美元的业务部门,为国防、航天和航空工业制造产品。在加入霍尼韦尔之前,她曾在Orbital ATK和Raytheon公司担任管理层职务。




瓦里安自改革开放后即扎根中国,不懈推动中国抗癌事业发展。瓦里安在北京经济技术开发区建立了大中华区总部、中国研发及生产基地、教育中心、智云支持中心及软件研发中心,正发展成为公司全球最全产品线研发和生产基地。瓦里安并积极履行领军者的社会责任,连续被认证为“北京生物医药产业跨越发展工程(G20工程)-行业领军企业”,蝉联“中国放疗行业最佳售后服务金人奖”,并荣获了“健康中国∙2018年度社会责任奖”、“2019幸福企业”、“2019创新领军人物”等诸多奖项。更多信息,请访问 https://www.varian.com/zh-hans。

Helen Yang
+86 10 87836354

Anshul Maheshwari
+1 (650) 424-5631

Forward-Looking Statements
Except for historical information, this communication contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements concerning Varian's future orders and the anticipated impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Varian's business; and any statements using the terms "could," "believe," "expect," "promising," "outlook," "should," "well-positioned," "will" or similar statements are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause Varian's actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. Such risks and uncertainties include: (1) the future impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Varian's business, including but not limited to, the impact on its workforce, operations, supply chain, demand for products and services, and Varian's financial results and condition; (2) Varian's ability to successfully manage the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic; (3) Varian's ability to achieve expected synergies from acquisitions; (4) risks associated with integrating recent acquisitions; (5) global economic conditions and changes to trends for cancer treatment regionally; (6) currency exchange rates and tax rates; (7) the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act; (8) the impact of the Affordable Health Care for America Act (including excise taxes on medical devices) and any further healthcare reforms (including changes to Medicare and Medicaid), and/or changes in third-party reimbursement levels; (9) recent and potential future tariffs or a global trade war; (10) demand for and delays in delivery of Varian's products; (11) Varian's ability to develop, commercialize and deploy new products; (12) Varian's ability to meet Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other regulatory requirements, regulations or procedures; (13) changes in regulatory environments; (14) risks associated with Varian providing financing for the construction and start-up operations of particle therapy centers, challenges associated with commercializing Varian's Proton Solutions business; (15) challenges to public tender awards and the loss of such awards or other orders; (16) the effect of adverse publicity; (17) Varian's reliance on sole or limited-source suppliers; (18) Varian's ability to maintain or increase margins; (19) the impact of competitive products and pricing; (20) the potential loss of key distributors or key personnel; (21) challenges related to entering into new business lines; (22) the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstances that could give rise to the termination of the agreement; (23) the failure to obtain the approval of Varian's stockholders, the failure to obtain certain required regulatory approvals or the failure to satisfy any of the other closing conditions to the completion of the transaction, (24) risks related to disruption of management's attention from Varian's ongoing business operations due to the transaction; (25) the effect of the announcement of the transaction on the ability of Varian to retain and hire key personnel and maintain relationships with its customers, suppliers and others with whom it does business, or on its operating results and business generally; (26) the ability to meet expectations regarding the timing and completion of the transaction; (27) risks associated with transaction-related litigation; and (28) the other risks listed from time to time in Varian's filings with the SEC. For additional information concerning factors that could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those projected herein, please refer to Varian's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 27, 2019 and subsequent Current Reports on Form 8-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC. Varian assumes no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements in this communication because of new information, future events, or otherwise.