Flash 疗法是在通常小于 1 秒的时间内以超高剂量率向治疗部位实施放射治疗的一种实验性治疗模式。
Flash 疗法可能是近数十年来癌症治疗领域最重要的进展之一。
Flash 疗法是在通常小于 1 秒的时间内以超高剂量率向治疗部位实施放射治疗的一种实验性治疗模式。使用小鼠的临床前研究已证明,Flash 疗法与传统疗法相比,肿瘤控制效果相当或更好,正常组织毒性更小,且具有免疫优势。
瓦里安的 FlashForward™ 联盟由世界各地的机构成员组成,致力于制定临床前研究设计、开发技术解决方案和分享科研规范,协助推进 Flash 疗法的学术和临床转化。

- The Christie/ MCRC
- CHUV Lausanne University Hospital
- The Cincinnati Children’s/University of Cincinnati Medical Center Proton Therapy Center
- Danish Center for Particle Therapy, Aarhus University Hospital
- Guangzhou Concord Cancer Center
- Haukeland University Hospital
- Hefei Ion Medical Center (Ion Medical Center, The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC)
- Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chaki Sirindhorn Proton Center
- Holland PTC
- Institut Curie
- Mount Sinai
- Montefiore Einstein Cancer Center
- The New York Proton Center
- The Ohio State University
- Amsterdam UMC
- OSF Healthcare Cancer Institute
- Division of Cancer Medicine, Oslo University Hospital
- Paul Scherrer Institute
- Penn Medicine Radiation Oncology
- Proton Therapy Center of Dr. Berezin Medical Institute (MIBS)
- Proton Therapy SG
- Shandong Proton Therapy Center
- South Florida Proton Therapy Institute
- Suranaree University of Technology
- University College London
- University Hospital Zurich and University of Zurich, Department of Radiation Oncology
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- University of Miami
- University of Nebraska Medical Center
- Wuhan Union Hospital Proton Center
世界首次 Flash 临床试验
Flash 质子放射治疗用于症状性骨转移癌的可行性研究 (FAST-01)
FAST-01 是首次人体临床试验,该试验评估 Flash 放射治疗用于四肢骨转移骨痛患者的可行性和安全性。单次放疗使用 Flash 剂量率以 250 兆电子伏质子束提供标准的 8 Gy 姑息治疗分割剂量。FAST-01 研究已在辛辛那提儿童医院医疗中心完成患者招募。(PI:J. Breneman 博士)。随访试验 FAST-02 正在设计中。
- 四肢骨转移癌患者
- 该研究正在开放招募受试者
- 该研究使用改良的 ProBeam 来获得临床研究器械豁免 (IDE)
- 与辛辛那提儿童/辛辛那提大学医疗中心、质子治疗中心合作
欲知详情,请参阅 Flash 质子放射治疗用于症状性骨转移癌的可行性研究。
Trials using Flash radiotherapy for lung cancer and other malignancies are currently being developed. Using Flash treatment for these cancers could deliver higher cancer-killing doses without causing inordinate side effects, which would be a real advance.
Flash therapy has the potential to be practice-changing and drastically improve the experience of cancer care for a new generation of patients. The launch of the first Flash clinical trial, a project that has come to fruition after years of intensive study, is an important milestone in the progress of radiation therapy.
- An Industry/Academic Partnership Yields Fruit: An Ultra-High Dose Rate Beam Monitoring Tool for Flash Trials
- Flash Stance — Updates in Ultrahigh Dose Rate Radiation Therapy
- A Framework for Defining Flash Dose Rate for Pencil Beam Scanning
- Flash therapy: An inside look at this innovative treatment technology
- Varian and the Cincinnati Children's/UC Health Proton Therapy Center Complete Enrollment of FAST-01, First Human Clinical Trial of Flash Therapy for Cancer
- Varian and the Cincinnati Children's/UC Health Proton Therapy Center Announce Initial Patient Treated in the FAST-01 First Human Clinical Trial of Flash Therapy for Cancer