{ "pageType": "product", "title": "Halcyon", "videoId": "5596031272001", "imageId": "https://varian.widen.net/content/5e0np9h5fw/webp" }
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    100% の IGRT で高精度の照射を実現

    画像誘導による体積 IMRT と RapidArc テクノロジーのさまざまな側面を簡素化し、かつ向上させる設計

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    デュアルレイヤー マルチリーフ コリメーター

    特徴的な MLC 構造が、あらゆる照射野・アークにおいて、漏洩線量の低減と強度変調の両立を可能に

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    4 RPM のガントリ速度、2 RPM の RapidArc 照射、高速 MLC 運動により、質の高い治療と標準化されたワークフローを実現

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    取得の高速化と高度な再構成アルゴリズムによって kV 画像の質を向上

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    ボア径 100cm の広さで人にやさしいデザイン


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    HyperSight を搭載した Halcyon

    改善された IGRT および CBCT 画像取得による治療計画作成が、臨床の多様性を拡大


The Halcyon system is accessible to all, will not compromise your needs, and provides configuration options to fit your clinic.

With its simple, compact, and patient-centered technology, the Halcyon system allows clinicians to deliver straightforward, high-quality treatments for every patient, everywhere.


Efficient from installation through treatment delivery, and facilitates the improvement of virtually every aspect of a cancer center’s operation and clinical workflows. Fast installation and training enable the start of patient treatments in a couple of weeks.

With a streamlined radiotherapy process, clinics can treat more patients while maintaining quality and safety. The Halcyon system may also help in reducing capital cost while improving productivity.


The Halcyon system is focused on what your clinic needs. Its capabilities in delivering high quality radiotherapy allows clinics to treat patients with conventional and advanced radiation therapy delivery techniques—all optimized to produce the prescribed dose precisely and accurately.

Every treatment is image-guided to provide clinicians with the confidence to evaluate all aspects of the treatment while the patient is on the couch.


The Halcyon system, which advances clinical capability and sustainability, is the 2023 Green Innovation Award winner at the ACES Awards.

See relevant sustainability case study.




9 つのステップから構成される治療は、快適性や安全性を犠牲にすることなく、スループットを向上させます。



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Halcyon now FDA-cleared with HyperSight imaging solution option. Not available for sale in all markets.

Halcyon 医療用リニアック:医療機器承認番号 22900BZX00367000