Varian Medical Systems Supports World Cancer Congress in Paris | Varian

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{ "pageType": "news-article", "title": "Varian Medical Systems Supports World Cancer Congress in Paris", "articleDate": "October 31, 2016", "introText": "", "category": "Oncology" }

Varian Medical Systems Supports World Cancer Congress in Paris

PARIS, Oct. 31, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Varian Medical Systems (NYSE: VAR), world leader in radiotherapy and radiosurgery systems, is focusing on the availability of advanced cancer care globally at the 2016 World Cancer Congress in Paris this week (October 31-November 3).  Organized by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), the Congress is expected to attract more than 3,500 leaders, advocates, scientists, researchers, academics, patients group supporters and health experts from 130 countries, who will be able to learn about the latest advancements, share experiences, and explore information related to cancer research.

At the Congress, Varian is showcasing its 'Access to Care' educational program, through which the company is seeking to bridge the gap between skills levels and knowledge in well-equipped developed countries and those in developing nations. Varian's training partner VERTUAL will demonstrate the virtual training environment used for Access to Care training sessions. Varian is already supporting Access to Care programs in Vietnam, South Africa and Algeria.

"As radiation oncology becomes increasingly precise and cancer centers worldwide can offer ever more advanced treatments for their patients, many parts of the world are still grossly under-equipped with too few machines to treat their growing cancer populations," says Michael Sandhu, vice president of Varian's Oncology Systems' global market access and integration team. "But even when these developing regions are able to invest in installing new equipment to address this issue, they are often hindered by a lack of qualified staff to plan treatments and run the equipment. That is why we have invested in the Access to Care educational program."

"We are seeking to make quality cancer care more affordable and accessible globally. Supporting UICC and the World Cancer Congress allows us to further our goal of a world without fear of cancer."

Cary Adams, UICC's chief executive officer, said, "Together we're aiming to save millions of lives by focusing on what needs to be done in raising awareness, fostering better education, and creating a global network with the capacity to have greater impact. The support of companies such as Varian is invaluable in these efforts."

In addition to its support of UICC, Varian is also an active leader of the Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT & Radiation Therapy Trade Association (DITTA), a trade association representing all major manufacturers of radiotherapy and diagnostic medical equipment. DITTA, which engages productively with the World Health Organization on the role of medical devices in global health, will hold several sessions at the 2016 World Cancer Congress.

About Varian Medical Systems

Varian Medical Systems, Inc., of Palo Alto, California, focuses energy on saving lives by equipping the world with advanced technology for fighting cancer and for X-ray imaging.  The company is the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiation. The company provides comprehensive solutions for radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics software for managing comprehensive cancer clinics, radiotherapy centers and medical oncology practices. Varian is also a premier supplier of X-ray imaging components, including tubes, digital detectors, cables and connectors as well as image processing software and workstations for use in medical and industrial settings, as well as for security and non-destructive testing.  Varian Medical Systems employs approximately 7,700 people who are located at manufacturing sites in North America, Europe, and China and sales and support offices around the world.  For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter.

Press Contact

Neil Madle
Varian Medical Systems
+44 7786 526068

SOURCE Varian Medical Systems