Varian Medical Systems Develops New Tri-Focus X-ray Tube for Use in Special Procedure Labs | Varian

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Varian Medical Systems Develops New Tri-Focus X-ray Tube for Use in Special Procedure Labs

CHARLESTON, SC -- January 24, 2005  -- Varian Medical Systems, Inc. (NYSE:VAR) has developed a new metal technology replacement tube for use with special procedures equipment from Siemens Medical Solutions.  The new SG-1590 tri-focus X-ray tube is a direct replacement for the Siemens Mega 125/15/40/82C.  The SG-1590 is designed to be loaded into the original manufacturer’s housing, and to calibrate as if it is an OEM tube.  It is the first and only replacement tube available directly to the market, and is designed for general radiography, digital, and film screen angiography procedures.

The new tube joins an extensive line-up of replacement X-ray tubes that are available through Varian’s Interay X-ray tubeaftermarketbusiness. Varian Interay also offers replacement X-ray tubes for CT scanners from Philips /Picker, Siemens, Elscint, and GE, as well as diagnostic X-ray tubes for use in imaging systems from virtually all manufacturers, including GE, Philips, Siemens, and Toshiba.

“Varian X-ray products have a reputation for being high quality,long-lasting tubes,” says Steve Kimmel, manager, international sales.  “They meet specific customer requirements, enabling diagnostic systems to maintain superior image quality while lowering operating costs.   Having a high-quality low cost replacement tube actually extends the useful operating life of X-ray imaging equipment.”
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