Meet the team: Ye Zhang

After losing two family members to cancer, Ye Zhang joined Varian to help save other people’s lives. Now Ye is a software engineer developing our system for radiation-therapy treatment planning.

Please tell us about your role at Varian and how long you’ve been here. What does a typical workday look like for you?

I’m a software engineer and I’ve been here about five years. My workday usually starts with a daily stand-up where we share updates, progress, any issues or blockers. Then for the rest of the day it’s fingers crossed we don’t have any meetings, so we can focus on our actual work!

What can you say about your team and the other people you work with at Varian?

We have a multifunctional team. As software engineers, we spend a lot of time investigating and solving problems. Sometimes this means working independently, other times we collaborate with our peers.


“As software engineers, we spend a lot of time investigating and solving problems.”


We also work together with people from other product development areas, including testers, UX designers and product managers.

You have a very personal reason for working at Varian – please tell us more about that.

Yes. I chose this job as it’s very meaningful for me; two of my close family members died of cancer. I cannot be a physician who saves lives directly, but by being a software developer in this area I can contribute in the way that I’m capable of doing.

The best thing about working here is that although it’s an ordinary job, you can do extraordinary things! The value I produce here can help people and save lives – it’s super meaningful.

“Although it’s an ordinary job, you can do extraordinary things!”

How does working at Varian compare to your earlier job experiences?

Well, my first job experience is completely different to this! I worked as a software engineer in Beijing, starting at 8:30 in the morning and finishing at 9:00 in the evening – Monday to Saturday. It was very hard to balance life and work.

But here at Varian I have a great degree of control and freedom within my job. I work full-time, but on a flexible schedule.

Sound good? Choose Varian and help us achieve our mission of a world without fear of cancer.

Meet the Team:

Kohdy Nicholson

Software Engineer Kohdy Nicholson works on our adaptive-treatment planning team. What he appreciates most about Varian is the supportive working culture we’ve created.

Michiko Rossi and Ossi Martikainen

Michiko Rossi and Ossi Martikainen are both research scientists at Varian. They share their thoughts on a typical day, the best things about their colleagues, and how working here is an opportunity to make a difference.

Antti Järvi

Antti Järvi is a full-stack Software Developer who joined Varian in 2020. He explains why he chose us over other companies that tried to recruit him.