{ "pageType": "product", "title": "Varian Mobile", "videoId": "6268352592001", "imageId": "https://varian.widen.net/content/pz5gvva8jq/webp" }

Enhanced Productivity

No more being tied to a workstation. ARIA CORE Mobile empowers clinicians to approve documents, manage their schedule and complete tasks on the go, optimizing their productivity.

Patient-centric care

ARIA CORE Mobile is designed to let you spend meaningful time with your patients without the worry of forgetting information or the need for redundant data entry at your desk. Use your mobile device to dictate notes and take photos1, seamlessly adding them into your patient’s record within ARIA CORE.

1. Photos and data are securely stored in the ARIA CORE database, not on the device.

Security and data integrity

ARIA CORE Mobile deploys the latest security practices such as biometric authentication for users, access controls, log monitoring, and data management to help with safe patient care administration. Integrated systems allow all members of your care team to see real-time updates made with ARIA CORE Mobile immediately in the ARIA CORE patient chart.

Allow your team to access what they need when they need it on-the-go with ARIA CORE Mobile.

Your patients deserve the best, and we're here to help deliver it. Request ARIA CORE Mobile Technical and Security Whitepaper from your sales representative.

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  • Varian Mobile requiere que su organización tenga una licencia válida y esté en el sistema de información oncológica ARIA® v15.5 o superior.
  • Varian Mobile no está disponible en todos los mercados, y las especificaciones están sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso. Trabajo en curso. No está disponible para la venta y no se ofrecen garantías en cuanto a la comercialización o a la disponibilidad de las características.