{ "pageType": "product", "title": "ARIA Systemic Therapy Management", "videoId": "6345676941112", "imageId": "https://varian.widen.net/content/byrhm7bvjw/webp" }

Introducing ARIA Systemic Therapy Management (STM) - a new cloud-native module that can be added to ARIA CORE for systemic therapy providers, supporting the entire workflow from creating treatment management plans through to medication administration.


Unlock the power of seamless data sharing through our unified solution, bringing together technology, multi-disciplinary teams, and streamlined workflows to prioritize patient-centered oncology care.

Patient Summary workspace includes systemic therapy appointments and active regimens assigned to the patient.


Drive standardization in your clinic’s workflow with customizable settings based on your unique clinic needs, helping to ensure efficiency and consistency. Create protocol-driven treatment management plans to provide high-quality patient care and allow clinicians to choose and personalize the best treatment plan for each patient's needs throughout their journey.

Care Paths workspace can be adapted for a multi-disciplinary approach incorporating both radiation and medical oncology tasks and appointments.


Streamline the review and documentation process for oncology patients, reducing unnecessary clicks and eliminating redundant efforts for multi-disciplinary teams with workflow optimization tools backed by 25+ years of industry expertise.

Leveraging Encounters to launch multiple clinical workspaces including Treatment Timeline for managing patient medications.

Explore the entire Digital Oncology portfolio


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*Manage therapies including but not limited to chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, and theranostics.

The video above is representative of a multi-disciplinary patient journey using multiple Varian software solutions. Please talk with your sales representative to understand which functionalities portrayed are available with STM.

ARIA STM requires your organization to be on ARIA CORE v18.0 or higher. ARIA STM is not available in all markets and specifications are subject to change without notice. Request the ARIA STM Technical and Security Whitepaper from your sales representative.